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Master mentioned the essential need for participation in living the Four Points of Rightness.
So can one say that:
- The active participation to hold rightness births the consequence or reality of rightness, and does not just serve a notion of rightness or mental reality of rightness?
- The consequence or reality of rightness is a reflection of an enrichment being present?
One of the facts that has to be faced is that there is no real sense of ‘I’, or the ‘I’ that is there as oneself or the centre that exists as you, can’t come to reality without this rightness being established.
If you observe, you will come to see so many are not there, what is there as them can never come to be, they live but all they are doing is just being alive.
The real ‘I’, the real being, however you call it, can only come to be when this rightness is established. If not it acts just as a potential. Only when the real ‘I’ or the being is there, all that it holds can come to be and be realised in this life.
So the first attainment is to achieve the true sense of being – that one is, and this depends on how one puts oneself right, and by this rightness alone this can be achieved.
If one exists without rightness, then the being is not there, it’s not present; so the whole of what one is depends on the Four Points of Rightness. When the being is there, then the richness it holds comes alive too, the yogam (the gift as you) that is there is realised too.
Now you have asked – the active participation to hold rightness births the consequence or reality of rightness and does not just serve a notion of rightness or mental reality of rightness?
This sense of rightness as you mentioned holds the you, and when it’s just a mental reality of rightness, then there is only an idea of ‘I’ living, not the reality of this. Living with the idea of ‘I’, does not actualise anything and this is one of the reasons most know that life can be more but it’s not.
The suffering and the pain is that the actual is not lived and all that is there is just the mind and the imagination.
In order not to feel this pain, the ego is created, and the ego is the feel you live out of how it can be if the real is lived, and in most cases it is exaggerated.
You have also asked: The consequence or reality of rightness is a reflection of an enrichment being present?
The richness that is promised by the being can only be lived when this rightness is totally established, otherwise the richness can’t be lived, it becomes impossible. Many know this is possible, but this possibility will never come to be.
The very living organism is seeking to actualise this; this is what is imagined as happiness or fulfilment but this is missed, for the rightness is not established.
I believe when man was evolving he had to be right with life even to live, even to survive. And only when he could be right with life, he was and was alive and that was the richness he lived as himself.
Even now this law applies but so much has happened that most can live without establishing this rightness, but again the richness of this life is missed and escapes them.
This dialogue is an introduction to the Four Points of Rightness Programme created by Dhyan Vimal as a pathway to living in rightness. Read more here.